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File:Booknewsletters.jpg October 2009 Newsletter

Hi again from Bookbag Towers. The banner headline this month: one of us had suspected swine flu. Nobody will actually give you a diagnosis though, so you lay sweating and shivering on the sofa and take your Tamiflu, but you've no idea at all whether or not you'll have to go through it all again when you actually do get it. Bah. The other banner headline, of course, is that the Booker judges met with our approval this year by giving Wolf Hall the big prize. If you haven't read it yet, you really are remiss. It's an absolutely wonderful book and will stay with you for a long, long time. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Books For Your Girlfriend

Whether it's a birthday, Christmas, or just a random occasion to tell her you love her, books make great presents for girlfriends. Yes, yes, we know we're playing up to all the stereotypes with historical fiction, romance, celebrities, and lashings of chick lit, but you know she's going to enjoy them. If it's an anniversary and she's looking to get you a gift too, then make sure to point her in the direction of our Top Ten Books For Your Boyfriend. Why not tell us about your favourite books to get for your girlfriend? Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Books For Your Boyfriend

Whether it's a birthday, Christmas, or just a random occasion to tell him you love him, books make great presents for boyfriends. Yes, yes, we know we're playing up to all the stereotypes with books about sport, music, trivia and everyone's favourite secret agent, but you know he's going to enjoy them. If it's an anniversary and he's looking to get you a gift too, then make sure to point him in the direction of our Top Ten Books For Your Girlfriend. Why not tell us about your favourite books to get for your boyfriend? Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Ian Stewart

Bookbag loved Ian Stewart's Hoard of Mathematical Treasures and couldn't resist the opportunity to ask him a few questions. We're delighted we did, as his answers are fascinating! Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To David Barrie

Bookbag was impressed by David Barrie's debut novel, Wasp-Waisted and couldn't resist the opportunity to ask him a few questions. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Books To Drag The Kids Away From Computer Games For Ten Minutes At Least

Truth be told, we like computer games - they're great fun, a good way to let off steam, and man cannot survive on books alone. (What we don't like are Bluetooth headsets providing a constant commentary - eldest Murphy son, take note). There are times when tweens and teens need to be dragged away from the computer games though, and these books will keep them entertained and quiet when you're looking for a peaceful afternoon without an endless barrage of bleeps and explosions in the background. Some are high octane, some are a bit more thoughtful, but they're all gripping thrillers. Why not tell us about your favourites? Read more...

File:Booknewsletters.jpg September 2009 Newsletter

It's been a stressful month at Bookbag Towers. Our host's server had a major malfunction and we spent several days trying to sort out the aftermath of being hurriedly moved to a new one. After much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth - Jill's children retired to their bedrooms with sandbags, and Sue's dogs did much the same - we think it's all ok now. We're very sorry if you experienced an interruption to service and we hope you'll forgive us. We promise to make it up to you, we do. Starting with our features section, which has the low down on this year's Booker prize. Jill is rooting for the utterly sublime Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. What would you like to see win it? Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To K S Turner

Bookbag thinks that Kate Turner's Before the Gods is something rather special and we couldn't resist the opportunity to ask her a few questions. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Man Booker Prize 2009

We have reviews of all the books on the longlist and we'll let you know the winner as soon as we hear! Read more...

File:Booknewsletters.jpg August 2009 Newsletter

We know this is a newsletter about books, and we know that we keep opening with some remark or other about sport. It's completely off-topic, we know, and we're sorry, but we just can't help it, we're going to do it again. Did you see Usain Bolt? Did you? Isn't he just something else? And it's just as well he appeared on our summer scene because August is a quiet month for books. All the holiday reads are already published (and in your suitcases, packed for lazy days by the pool) and thoughts haven't quite turned to the run up to Christmas. But there's still plenty out there and we've done our best to bring the the worthwhile to your attention. You're going to need them, aren't you, what with the barbecue summer that never was.... Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Ben Kane

Bookbag loved Ben Kane's first two novels - The Forgotten Legion and The Silver Eagle, which bring Roman times to vivid life. He mixes history and emotion beautifully, making for a sometimes disturbing, but always entertaining read. After being fortunate enough to meet him at an evening at our local library recently, he was delighted to be put to the sword in Bookbag style. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Picture Books For Overcoming Bedtime Woes

Everyone knows the cry of I want a glass of water! Bedtime can be a real problem, with children not wanting to settle down to sleep, being scared of the dark, or even frightened of being left alone. These picture books address the issues in a gentle manner, helping kids better understand their fears and thus overcome them. It's not all serious though: there's a good smattering of humour too, which makes them great fun to read. Why not tell us about your favourite books for overcoming bedtime woes? Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Jane Mitchell

Bookbag loved Jane Mitchell's novel Chalkline and was delighted to ask her some questions about it. It's a powerful story of a child soldier in Kashmir. It's beautifully written with great accuracy, doesn't flinch from its subject, but maintains a deeply affecting humanity. Read more...

File:Booknewsletters.jpg July 2009 Newsletter

Ok, so we lied. Andy Murray didn't win Wimbledon. He will one day, though, and he did well, didn't he? AQA's prediction of doom this month? England will win the Ashes. Titter ye not, there's hope yet. One half of the Bookbag management isn't too fussed about sporting results for the next few weeks though: Jill is off to Tuscany and she just can't wait. One third of a suitcase is dedicated to books, so expect some relaxed-sounding and very generous reviews when she gets back, sated with sun, four cheese pizza and every flavour of ice cream the gelateria has to offer. Let's get down to business before she bursts with anticipation. Read more...

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Kate Furnivall muses on the difficulty of getting just the right title for a book. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Books About America

We're posting this top ten in honour of the 4th of July and our friends across the pond. Big, brash, bold, ever-optimistic, there's no missing America. Here are our favourite books in which the United States, or parts of it, take centre stage. Why not tell us about your favourite books about America? By the way, did you know that the 4th of July is also Liberation Day in Rwanda, St Bertha's day (who dat?!) and Michael Johnson's birthday. We've stolen him away for BBC athletics punditry. Sorry, you can't have him back. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Children's Books About Weighty Subjects

Bookbag's certain belief is that fiction is perfectly placed to incite topical and philosophical debate amongst the young. It enables them to explore dangerous and painful subjects vicariously, so they're engaged emotionally, but have enough distance to feel secure and safe whilst doing it. We bemoan political uninterest in our teenagers, so what more perfect way than a good book is there to energise them about the social issues that affect us all? Here are some of our favourites, but there are many, many more. Why not tell us about your favourites too? Read more...

Booklists.jpg Booktrust Teenage Prize 2009

The 2009 Booktrust Teenage Prize longlist has been announced. Last year's winner was The Knife Of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness and previous winners include Henry Tumour by Anthony McGowan and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon. Teenagers can apply to be judges at before 27 July. The winner will be announced in November. Here's what Bookbag thought of the books. Why not tell us what you thought too. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Independent Booksellers' Prize 2009

The 2009 Independent Booksellers' Prize shortlist has been announced. You can vote for your favourite in independent bookshops around the UK, until 28 August, so get out there and support your friendly local bookseller! The winner will be announced in September. Here's what Bookbag thought of them. Why not tell us about your favourites too? Read more...

File:Booknewsletters.jpg June 2009 Newsletter

Hi again from Bookbag Towers. There's some stop press news: Andy Murray's going to win Wimbledon. You heard it first here. What year this might happen, well, we're reserving judgement. Jill's younger son is convinced it's this year though, so make sure you tune in. In the unlikely event you're not a great fan of tennis - and Jill's son thinks this is a silly thing to say, since everyone is a great fan of tennis, and cricket, and football, and rugby - then read on Macduff, we have some great books to talk about this month. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Adult Books That Teens Should Read

Do you remember your first foray into adult fiction? We certainly do. There's a whole world of grown up books out there just waiting for you, and it's so exciting. Quality genre stuff is ideal for the child ready to move up a level, and anything involving a young protagonist is also great. Here are our favourite ten suggestions. Why not tell us about your favourites? On the flip-side of the coin, adults will love our Top Ten Teen Books That Adults Should Read. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Books For Your Father

Dads deserve presents. They deserve an opportunity to put their feet up with a good book and relax. Whether it be for father's day, a birthday, Christmas, or just to show him that you love him, these are the perfect gifts to buy for your father. Why not tell us about your favourites books for your dad? Read more...

Bookcomments.jpg Orange Prize for Fiction 2009

Dawn Powell didn’t manage to get to the awards ceremony of the Orange Prize for Fiction 2009, but she did manage to get to the shortlist event at the Southbank Centre the day before (2nd June). She reports on the highlights of the event. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Book Recommendations From Twitterers

We love Twitter. It's a great way to keep in touch with authors and other book fans, hear what they're up to, share what we're up to and find out what's going on in the world of books. If you've not already seen the Bookbag Twitter feed, get clicking! Inspired by Judy Astley's self-proclaimed (and Bookbag-admired) media-tart cheek, we asked people on Twitter what their favourite Bookbag reviews were. Here's what they said. Huge thanks to Judy Astley, Elise Blackwell, Ray Beckerman, Agnieszka's Shoes, Nina Douglas, Steve Emecz, Tamsyn Tweetie, Benjamin Glover and Jason Mark Curley. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Beach Reads For Teens

For fear of hearing the dreaded phrase "I'm booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored" on the beach this summer, fling your teen this must-read list before you go. Kerry's picked her favourite holiday reads for teenagers. Why not tell us about your favourites? Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Penelope Evans

Bookbag loved Penelope Evans' The Weight of Water and couldn't resist the opportunity to ask her some questions about her work. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Beach Reads For Girls

Ah, summer's here. The sun is shining, the sky is clear, the weather is gorgeous, and the planes flying overhead look mighty tempting. What's nicer than lying on the beach with a book, soaking up the sun and losing yourself in a good book. Kerry's picked her favourite holiday reads for women. Men can check out the Top Ten Beach Reads For Boys. (Of course, there's nothing stopping men enjoying these choices and vice versa!) Why not tell us about your favourites? Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Beach Reads For Boys

Ah, summer's here. The sun is shining, the sky is clear, the weather is gorgeous, and the planes flying overhead look mighty tempting. What's nicer than lying on the beach with a book, soaking up the sun and losing yourself in a good book. Kerry's picked her favourite holiday reads for men. Women can check out the Top Ten Beach Reads For Girls. (Of course, there's nothing stopping women enjoying these choices and vice versa!) Why not tell us about your favourites? Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Marcus Sedgwick

Bookbag loved Marcus Sedgwick's Revolver. It's densely written and chilling in every sense of the word. We jumped at the opportunity to ask him some questions about his work. Read more...

File:Booknewsletters.jpg May 2009 Newsletter

Hello! Wimbledon has a new roof, did you see? At the rate rain is coming down at Bookbag Towers, it's looking as though it's going to be needed. We're still holding out for a heatwave though. Last month, we told you about our new text alert service and asked for feedback. We've listened to what you had to say, and made some changes. There are now four services: BOOKS2U (adults), TEENBOOK2U (teens), KIDBOOKS2U (8-13s) and SHARING2U (2-7s). Each will send just one text a week costing 25p, so you can mix and match what you'd like to receive. We're hoping to add more services for adults in the future, but let's see how you like version two first. Read more...

Booklists.jpg The Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2009

We've been looking at the books longlisted for The Guardian's Children's Fiction Prize 2009 and we're impressed. Picking the shortlist - never mind the winner - is going to be no easy job. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Books About London

You might not share Dr Johnson's famous sentiment, but London is certainly one of the world's - and literature's - iconic cities. It inspired countless non-fiction books, it is a customary setting of a lot of popular novels, from Dickens to modern chick-lit, and sometimes it becomes a character in its own right. Bookbag selected its very own top ten London books: a list as diverse and idiosyncratic as the city itself. There is history and crime, politics and literature, and even an alternative London in a parallel world. Why not tell us about your favourites? Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Sarah Dyer

Bookbag was charmed by the unique illustrations and quirky tale in The Girl With The Bird's Nest Hair by Sarah Dyer. We jumped at the chance to ask Sarah some questions about her work. Read more...

Booklists.jpg Top Ten Books for Young Readers That Feature a Passage Between Worlds

Magda has compiled her top ten novels which feature a portal between worlds. In most of them, a character from our reality enters an alternative (and often, but not always, a magical) world, but in some, the journey is the other way, or both worlds are different from ours. Why not tell us about your favourites? Read more...

Bookinterviews.jpg The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Michelle Lovric

Bookbag loved Michelle Lovric's The Undrowned Child. It's a wonderful alternate world historical fantasy, pitting myth and legend against science. We jumped at the opportunity to ask her a few questions. Read more...

See older features.