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If you enjoy this type of book then you might also like [[The Shadow of the Wind]] by Carlos Ruiz Zafon or Diane Setterfield's [[The Thirteenth Tale]]
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|name=Priscilla Atkinson
|comment= I very much enjoyed this book. It was a really good read and one had to keep one's wits about one as to where and what the action was and by whom it was happening. It left questions unanswered like to what did the marks on the piece of bone relate and what happened to Amy when she disappeared with her sister Elizabeth. In spite of hurrying through the book because of excitment I was really sorry when I came to the end and I would have liked to know what happened to Mrs Ross and Parker. Did she go back to her husband? What happened to Line? In fact the characters were really well drawn and one felt they were real and as for the location of the book it was marvellouly drawn and the author's description of the country and the cold were marvellous.
I hope she writes another novel soon!
|name=Colin Cameron
|comment= Extraordinary piece of work even if some of the distances traveled would have taken months not days.   
|verb=Marie Fries said
|comment= I have not read this book yet, but it has been highly recommended to me by my daughter. After reading your thorough and exciting review, I am going to get the book immediately. 
|name=Carol Siegenthaler, Peist, Switzerland
|comment=Just finished the book and enjoyed this review immensely. Thank you. 