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Toby Ibbotson, the author, planned this book in detail with his mother Eva before her death in 2010. He promised that if she wasn't able to write this book herself he'd do it for her, and he has certainly managed to capture much of her gentle-sharp humour and keen eye for the ridiculous. The various meals enjoyed by the Hagges would turn your stomach if they weren't so funny, and the three women's bullying is always done with such good intentions that it's hard to blame them. And their students, desperate as they are to learn the fine art of frightening people to death, are by no means the biggest villains in the story: that dishonour, as in other books by Eva Ibbotson, is reserved for the humans. Greed, the urge to control and manipulate, complete disregard for others and a determination to be famous are the unpleasant characteristics of those who hold power in the northern town which is the scene of some wonderfully hilarious, scary and touching moments. This book may not have the perfection of an Eva original, but how many authors deserve that accolade? It is compelling and funny, and it shouldn't be missed.
[[One Dog And His Boy by Eva Ibbotson and Sharon Rentta|One Dog and His Boy]] is the last book actually completed by Eva Ibbotson, and it comes highly recommended by Bookbag. Another wonderful story, [[The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson|The Abominables]], was found unfinished in her papers after her death and completed by her son, Toby, and it too deserves to be considered a classic.