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|name= Robin MacDonald
|verb= said
|comment= Ed,
I just read your review of The Infernal Republic, and quite frankly I couldn't disagree more.
For what it's worth I have enjoyed reading all of the short stories: they are inventive, at times shocking and most memorable. I've passed my copy on to friends who have also loved it.
I detect a hint of the green eyes monster in your review, why are you so insistent that " normally I wouldn't pay much attention to who publishes the books I read, but in this case I'm making an exception because I can't honestly believe that any traditional publisher would have put out this book in this form."? The fact that the author is using his own publishing house to release the book should be of no import, surely? Marshall Moore's other books, both novels and short story collections, have been published by a number of publishers, this is the first one in which he has gone it alone. But further more, the vast majority of the stories in this collection have been edited and published by other presses: The Asia Literary Review, The Barcelona Review and Word Riot to name but three. As far as I can tell all but possibly three of the stories have been published and edited by others; so why the big rant about self-editing? It's simply not true that the stories were self-edited and that no " traditional publisher would have put out this book in this form " In the future it may help your career if you do just a little bit of research on the facts before you disparage others' works. A quick Google search on the story titles would have revealed that the vast majority of these stories have been "professionally" edited by others and have been accepted by other publishing houses for inclusion in literary reviews and anthologies.
I'd hope you have the professional courtesy to correct the inaccuracies of your slapdash review, but who am I kidding. I know you won't put my email up on your site so all I can wonder is: Who are you anyway, where are your credentials? I don't see any of your previous reviews on the internet...New at this are you?
Disappointed and just a tad annoyed at the "rudimentary errors" in your review,
Robin MacDonald.
Educational Consultant
Think Ahead Limited
12th floor
Well View Commercial Building
8 - 12 Morrison Street
Sheung Wan
Hong Kong
[[Category:General Fiction]]