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So much for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Of the three main protagonists available for this adventure, one and a half are female! Anyway, Bram Stoker's Mina, Woolf's Orlando and Allan Quartermain Quatermain are in London at the height of the swinging 60s, amidst rumours that a new attempt at birthing an Antichrist is about to occur. Certainly, the evil they've faced the last several decades will soon get a new face...
There's a frivolity about the telling that suggests the creators are engaging with their own wickedness. It starts with a homosexual blowjob, and features needless images up Mina's miniskirt as it weaves its harum-scarum way past bad sex, bad music and worse drugs to the ultimate encounters on the astral plane. It probably goes past countless in-jokes as well, were one au fait with everything - I certainly recognised Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius character (in black and white, or rather white and black, as he's "just a bit negative at present").