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[[Category:Authors|Blanchard, Charles D]]
Charles D. Blanchard is the author of two novels, ''Mourning Doves after the Fire'' (2010) and ''Kingdom's End'' (2016).
''Mourning Doves after the Fire'', his debut novel, developed out of his fondness for stories where animals are characters and are given human characteristics. The central plot is about a young woman with a fondness for classical music who is secretly in love with the doctor treating her for cancer. The subplot to the human story involves a female mourning dove, recently widowed, and her bird neighbors who nest in the large oak tree near the young woman's house. As the human story develops, so does the story of heartache and resolution for the birds as their own existence is constantly threatened. The birds serve as a witness to the human story around them as well as their own.
When it came time to find a subject for his second novel, ''Kingdom’s End'', he wanted to expand on the idea of an animal themed story, where the main characters, who are rodents, would become the primary characters.
''Kingdom's End'' is a poignant sweeping urban tale set in a decaying movie palace from the 1920s where the characters make their colony and fight to protect it from the outside world. When the city learns of a rat infestation problem, it decides to wage war on the rats and ultimately sets the stage for a battle inside the theater.
Charles D. Blanchard’s influences are the works of George Orwell (''Animal Farm''), E.B White (''Charlotte’s Web'', ''Stuart Little'') and Richard Adams, (''Watership Down'', ''The Plague Dogs'') to whom Kingdom’s End is dedicated.
He lives in Mt. Vernon, NY.
He can be found at [ Goodreads] and [ Facebook].