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|title=The Vintage and the Gleaning
|sort=Vintage and the Gleaning
|publisher=MacLehose Press
|date=April 2012
|summary=A novel that gets under the skin of a country town community in Australia through the eyes of an Aussie 'battler' whilst he struggles against the ravages of time, ill-health and a past life laden with regret-tinged memories. One of this year's gems, this is a story that will absorb and elicit every emotion apart from boredom.
Smithy, a retired sheep shearer, now works on a vineyard in the countryside of Victoria, Australia. Too poor to retire and too ill from the after effects of his former alcoholic lifestyle to return to the physically arduous world of shearing, he exists rather than lives amongst his mates and near his son and daughter-in-law. Meanwhile rumours abound about the deeds of local thug, Brett Clayton and, whether true or not, he's definitely someone to be avoided. However, when Brett's wife Charlotte leaves him and asks Smithy to take her in, he does so without a second thought. Sheltered under his roof and protection, Charlotte confides in Smithy, forcing him to remember his own past and dreams. Meanwhile the unspoken question remains: Brett knows where Charlotte is so what's he going to do about it?