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Emma Putnam killed herself and it was all Sara's fault. If Sara and her other mean girl friends hadn't hounded and bullied Emma to the ends of the world, Emma would still be alive. And so now it's Sara's turn to be ostracised - by her old friends, by the community in which she lives, and even by the media.
But is it all as simple as that? As simple as a mean girl getting her just deserts? We follow Sara in the build-up to the court case Emma's parents have brought against her. It's not an easy read because Sara is rude, uncommunicative, resentful, and above all - NOT SORRY.
I think ''Tease'' is going to polarise readers. And I think that is a good thing. Unreliable narrators are always tricky to read and Sara is particularly tricky. She was part and parcel of some concerted vicious bullying that led to a teenage girl committing suicide. And Sara can't understand why she should be sorry. After all, the dead girl, Emma, stole Sara's boyfriend. She stole other people's boyfriends too. And the only person who put a noose around Emma's neck was Emma herself.