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|publisher=Oxford University Press
'' Oh, Boris!'' is another of the "new child at school" books that attempt to ease the transition for children who are just starting school or arriving in a new class. As often, it's done in an animal guise (I am yet to find out why this particular theme attracts the animal fable raiment so much). At least, the teacher is not an owl, it's Miss Cluck the hen and when she announces a new child - a bear! - everybody gets excited. But when the new child turns up, it's not a cuddly teddy, but a proper bear - a hairy, grizzly, scary, toothsome bear and a huge and clumsy one at that! Everybody is terrified, and Boris is ostracised - and as he's quite hopelessly socially unaware and doesn't realise how scary his teeth-filled grin is, and how intimidating his bulk and booming voice are, he doesn't know what to do! It all turns round when Boris manages to scare off a gang of rat bullies (even though his intention was just to be friendly with them) and he gets accepted and appreciated for the gentle giant he is, his size and furriness turned to his advantage.
