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I found myself rooting for Yuki in this section of the book, as she goes to live with her older lover who is occasionally violent towards her. She decides to get a job and drop out of school to take art classes, hoping that one day she can make her father proud of her with her own show.
Whilst Yuki's story starts in the sixties, taking in such historical events as the Vietnam War, the story is also interspersed with the story of her son Jay in present -day New York and Connecticut. We learn through Jay that his mother, Yuki, abandoned him as a baby with his loving Canadian father, who has just died. He has also recently become a father himself, and decides to travel to Berlin, to meet his mother. We discover that he, too, is struggling with becoming a parent, and his experience is starting to parallel Yuki's.
If I had anything negative to say about the book, it would be that I found Yuki slightly annoying by the middle of the book. Although Buchanan is, I think, showing us how difficult life is for her, not feeling that she truly belongs anywhere and struggling to prove herself as an artist, I would have liked to have seen her become stronger and take some action. I guess the idea that she eventually must leave her son - which I'm not giving away because it is in the opening Prologue – leads us to think that, at some, point, she must make a decision for herself, but it is a long time coming.
I did find that the ending was really well written, however. It is believable and seems the 'right' ending, somehow. Jay and Yuki's reunion is handled sensitively but not over-emotionally, and there is no finality to it; it feels that there could be more to their story to come.
All in all, this book is a well written and slightly unusual story, which has a wide scope, but doesn't get bogged down in details. Art is clearly a large influence in the book; as well as Yuki trying to become an artist, Jay owns an art gallery and represents various artists. But if you have no interest in art, don't worry, it isn't dependent on your enjoyment of the book, which is a great achievement for a first -time author. I highly recommendit.
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