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|title=The Ghost Prison
|sort=Ghost Prison, The
|date=September 2013
|summary=A short novel with brilliant images, that just disappoints in its waywardness, with half given to exposition, half to drama, and the whole thing made throwaway by a moist tissue of an ending.
Meet Billy Calder. The young orphan has got a job, which is lucky as he's nearly too old for the Home for Unfortunate Boys. Unluckily it's a job at the local spooky castle, which is the town prison. It's sat looming above everyone and has generated a whole host of legends and ghost stories among the people below. More unluckily, the truth behind those ghost stories is even worse than the public imagination. Even more unluckily, Billy has been singled out for the night shift. And we find out just how Billy's luck runs out completely when we learn who requested him to work nights…