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Have you ever noticed that just before Christmas the bookshops are swamped with books of trivia? They're usually full of interesting (or otherwise) facts which can be bandied around in the pub or over the dinner party table, promptly to be forgotten by all. ''Do Polar Bears Get Lonely?'' is '''not''' in this class: it's popular science with a hundred and one intriguing science questions of the type that you might have pondered yourself, or if you haven't, you wonder why not.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag.
If this book interests you then you'll love the 2006 bestseller, [[Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze? by Mick O'Hare| Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?]] or [[How To Fossilise Your Hamster by Mick O'Hare| How To Fossilise Your Hamster]] published in 2007. You might also appreciate [[Will We Ever Speak Dolphin? by Mick O'Hare]] and [[Why Icebergs Float: Exploring Science in Everyday Life by Andrew Morris]].