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|comment= "she only has 34 pairs which sounds quite reasonable to me"
..maybe the book was written by somebody who, like me, owns about 6, including 2 pairs of heavy walking boots and 1 wellies? (and I don't think there was ever-ever time when I had more than 12).
|comment= I've just been and counted - one pair of wellies, one pair of walking boots, one pair of sandals (decent), one pair of sandals (indecent and used as slippers), one pair of lace-up shoes, two pairs of court shoes, one of which was last worn twelve years ago and the other pair at my grandson's baptism seven years ago. I'm not big on footwear!   
|comment= Well, yes.
I went and counted too: I have 1 pair of high-heeled ankle boots (they kill my back, and my right foot doesn't fit anyway cause I have an almost permanently swollen ankle), 1 pair of wellies, 1 pair of men's trekking sandals (Great!!! - the best shoes I own), 1 pair of trainery ecco shoes (almost with holes in soles, but still usable), 2 pairs of heavy walking boots (1 was just donated to me by MiL and I never wore it, so I am not very sure if they are even mine), 1 pair of falling-apart-slip-on-trainers that are being slowly phased out.
So you can see why anything that sugggests that shopping for shoes is some kind of archetypaly womanish activity makes me feel rather miffed!
|comment= I forgot my trekking sandals! That's because they live in the car.
I regard shopping for shoes as torture. Everyone else seems to have delicate feet. I always feel as though the shoe boxes would suit my feet better than their contents.
|comment= Exactly!!!
That's why I was so chuffed when I discovered that men's sandals fitted me so much better than female ones!
The only tight garment I enjoy purchasing is bras!
|comment= I'm afraid I don't enjoy purchasing any garment - tight or otherwise!  
|comment= Ooh! Counting game! I have: wellies; monkey boots; Chelsea boots; posh shoes (they go to weddings and funerals); Adidas Gazelles; some weird things my mother bought me that you apparently wear on holiday and look like squishy clogs (never worn). That's a lot, right?! You're like the rose in between all the thorns hereabouts, Zoe, aintcha?!  
|comment= Strange, isn't it, that the footwear of choice in Bookbag Towers is wellies?  
|comment= To be fair my two most recent purchases were ballet shoes and tap shoes for my new Thursday night past-times. But I went to my shoe wardrobe (yes, I have a shoe wardrobe! The new house has way too much storage) to tot up. Work shoes (heels and flats), going out shoes (heels and flats), weekend trainers, (different) gym trainers, boots, sandals and flip flops are pretty much it. I have wellies too, but they're from Asda's kids section and they're pink with flowers on.   
|comment= You can have too much storage? 

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