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There's some cool stuff for you this month. We've been [[The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Ed Straw|talking to Ed Straw]] about his book [[Stand and Deliver: A Design for Successful Government by Ed Straw|Stand and Deliver]]. It aims to address anachronistic governmental institutions, which were never designed to work in a global environment or to administer large public sectors and which therefore fail in policy, delivery, and accountability. It's a fascinating book and our interview with Ed puts some more flesh on the bones of our review. You should read both.
Jill thought that [[The Leopard of Dramoor by P De V Hencher]] had an intricate and interesting plot with a vivid sense of time and place. Warfare was never far away in the Scottish-English borders in medieval times. She had a few questions for the author when he [[The Interview: Bookbag Talks To P De V Hencher|popped in]] to see us.and it makes for an interesting interview!