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In a small town in western North Carolina there was a storefront church with newspapers across the windows so that no one could see in. Adelaide Lyle remembered to days when it was a store, as well as the days when she used to attend the church regularly, but after a woman died in a 'healing' ritual which involved a snake and her body was left in her garden she decided that she couldn't attend and nor could she allow the town's children to run the risk. For a while this separation worked reasonably well until a series of incidents, many quite small in themselves, provoked a tragedy.
Jess Hall had an older brother, Christopher, although his mother was the only one who called him that. To everyone else he was Stump - and Stump was mute. The pastor decided that Stump could be 'healed' and one Sunday he was taken to church twice. In the morning a horrified Jess watched through a crack in the wall as Stump fought to escape from those who were trying to''squeeze'' him into speech. In the evening he saw his brother's body brought out of the church. He'd been smothered.
It's the sheriff, Clem Barefield, who had to deal with Stump's death and the repercussions, but Clem had demons of his own which he had to fight before he could bring some measure of order to his town. The story of what happened is told through the three voices of Adelaide, Jess and Clem.