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Using information from an unlikely source, Sabina and her friends – sexy mage Adam and Mischief Demon Giguhl – head to New Orleans, a city full of unlikely magic. Suddenly, Sabina has vampires in capes, recreant mages, cross-dressing fairies, and, perhaps most shocking of all, humans to deal with. With Hallowe'en night approaching, and some ancient prophecy about to unfold, can Sabina keep her friends alive long enough to save the day? And how much bloodshed is saving the day going to cost?
Sabina is back to form in this third instalment of Wells' Urban Fantasy series. After a slightly lagging second book, it's good to see all the chaos, humour, action and romance back to the par of the first. I really enjoyed Sabina's developing character. She's come a long way from her [[Red Headed -headed Step Child by Jaye Wells|Red Headed Step Child]] days, and though she retains her snarky short temper, it's good to see her changing relationships with her friends and allies.
New additions to the cast were as colourful and varied as ever. Brooks the cross-dressing fae was entertaining and the introduction of recreant mages – mages who went against their leaders and were cast out, stripped of some of their powers – adds a new dimension to the mythology, hopefully to be explored further in later books.