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|author=Stieg Larsson and Reg Keeland (translator)
|title=The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest
|summary=[[The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and Reg Keeland (translator)|The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo]], the first of Steig Larsson's Millennium trilogy of thrillers, was a fine stand-alone novel. The second in the series, [[The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson and Reg Keeland (translator)|The Girl Who Played With Fire]], continues the adventures of Lisbeth Salander, Larsson's finely crafted anti-hero. If you haven't read this second volume yet I advise you to stop reading this review now. I'm about to spoil the ending for you…
|summary=On a quiet Sunday evening in the suburbs of Glasgow an old man is kidnapped from an unassuming house. The kidnappers are incompetent – they don't seem entirely certain who it is they're after and one of them fires his gun, badly injuring a teenage girl. As they leave, taking the old man with them, they demand a ransom of two million pounds. Have they got the right house and if so, why do they think that there's so much money to be had there? DS Alex Morrow is certain that this is going to be her case – after all, she was promised – but it goes to her arch rival, DS Grant Bannerman and she is to work under his command.
|author=Tony Black
|summary=There's always a risk in taking on a new author, even in a genre that suggests you should enjoy the book. The quotes on the backs of books are usually unanimous in their praise and can't be relied upon to be an accurate judge of the quality between the covers. But when an author is compared to others you already know are great writers, this does raise the expectation level a little. This is not always a good thing.
|author=Quintin Jardine
|title=Inhuman Remains
|summary=Primavera Blackstone wants to keep a low profile. After an apparent attempt on her life by her ex-husband, she is still feeling fragile, even though Mr Blackstone is now dead. Living in Spain with her seven year old son, Tom, she thinks she is safe from prying eyes, but then her Aunt Adrienne comes to visit and all hell lets lose. Adrienne asks Prim to find her son, Prim's cousin, Frank, who has been out of contact for some time and who she suspects is in some kind of trouble. Prim eventually tracks Frank down, or rather, Frank finds her, but by then Adrienne is in the hands of his enemies, the perpetrators of a massive commercial fraud. Can Prim help Frank to safety, find Adrienne and solve the mystery, all without putting her son's life in danger?
|author=Carol O'Connell
|title=Bone by Bone
|summary=Twenty years ago two teenage boys went into the woods outside the northern Californian town of Coventry but only one of them came home. The other was sent away by his father, Judge Hobbs and he's only just returned home because he believes that his father might be dying. During the first night there's a thump as a human jawbone – complete with teeth – lands on the front porch. Josh Hobbs is coming home – bone by bone.
|author=Linda Castillo
|title=Sworn to Silence
|summary=Called out yet again in the freezing cold of an Ohio winter night to deal with stray cows in the road, Officer T.J. Banks, newcomer to the Painters Mill police department, is not a happy man.
His night, however, is going to get a whole lot worse. From the hole in the wire fence when the cattle escaped, a trail of blood leads him across the snow to an unknown woman, ''naked as the day she came into this'' ''world, and deader than Elvis''. With the understatement of the year, Banks tells dispatch that ''this was no'' ''accident…I think we got us a murder.''
|author=Lisa Gardner
|title=The Neighbour
|summary=Jason Jones returns from his late shift at the newspaper to find his four-year-old daughter, Ree, sleeping soundly and his wife nowhere to be seen. Sandy has not taken her bag, money or her mobile phone and she has not taken her car. More importantly she has not taken Ree. And Sandy would never leave Ree.
|author=Matthew Pearl
|title=The Last Dickens
|summary=In Bengal, India on a June day in 1870 two young mounted policemen are hot on the trail of dacoit suspected of the recent daylight robbery of a train of bullock carts. The chests taken from the carts were full of Opium.
Meanwhile a few thousand miles away in Boston, USA, a young office boy is chased through the docks by a dark stranger of ''Hindoo'' appearance wielding a walking stick topped by a ferociously fanged idol.
|author=Marshall Karp
|title=Flipping Out
|summary=In the UK, when people used to be able to afford it, people might form a career in taking run-down houses, doing them up and selling them on for a profit. If very lucky (or particularly weird, as was more often the case) they might get a second career doing the same thing on TV. But over in LA, where the process is known as ''flipping'', they do things much better. There, a group of policemen's wives have formed a group with a well-known mystery author. She writes a murder book set in the house the others are working on, and when both hit the markets together the profit is exemplary. Or so it is until someone starts bringing real life death to the houses - for the very women in the group.
|author=K O Dahl
|title=The Last Fix
|summary=Katrine Bratterud didn't really want to go to the party, but it was given by the people from her drug rehabilitation centre and she felt under an obligation as the social workers had done so much to help her. It wasn't going to be easy though – the other guests would be drinking heavily whilst she had to remain clean and to make matters worse she'd been physically attacked that day at the travel agency where she worked.
|author=Glen Peters
|title=Mrs D'Silva's Detective Instincts and the Shaitan of Calcutta
|summary=During a picnic excursion with his mother Joan and other families from Calcutta's Anglo Indian community, ten year old Errol makes a gruesome discovery – the partly decomposed body of a young woman. The victim turns out to be Agnes, brought up by nuns and lately married to a much older man. As witnesses, Joan and Errol are required to attend the inquest at which a verdict of suicide is implied. After the inquest, Anil, a former pupil at the school where Joan teaches, and Philomena, both friends of the dead girl, confide in Joan that they believe that Agnes was murdered and ask for Joan's help in finding out who was responsible.
|author=Stephen Woodworth
|title=Through Violet Eyes (Violet Series)
|genre=Science Fiction
|summary=To every generation, a few souls are born with violet-coloured eyes. These Violets can channel the dead. Viewed by the government as a commodity, they are taken into the care of the School from an early age and taught to use their abilities. While the School does teach them to control the souls constantly trying to invade their bodies from the black of death, it also trains them to serve the government – calling on the victims of murder and horrific accidents to ascertain exactly how they died or who killed them.