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In the modern world, it is less and less common to meet a person with a book in his hands. Many prefer electronic or audio books and daily book summaries. And there are those among us who, due to their employment or for other reasons, completely refuse to read in favor of the video. Meanwhile, the benefits of reading books are obvious. Let's try to find out what it is.


What are the benefits of reading books?

10 facts in favor of reading books:

1. Helps to increase vocabulary.

2, Adds self-confidence.

3. Helps to communicate with people.

4. Reduces stress.

5. Develops memory and thinking.

6. Protects against Alzheimer 's disease.

7. Helps improve sleep.

8. Makes a person more creative.

9. Has a rejuvenating effect.

10. Improves concentration.

The Benefits of Reading Classical Literature

Modern schoolchildren and students, with rare exceptions, are reluctant to read classical literature. Many of these works initially seem boring and uninteresting. They don't even realize how useful it is to read books, and especially classical literature:

1. When reading the classics, and especially poetry, the right floor of the brain begins to work actively, which is responsible for creativity, imagery and spatiality.

2. According to scientists, daily reading of classical literature has a positive effect on personality development.

3. Connoisseurs of the classics always have an excellent memory.

4. Reading such literature every day, a person can train his cognitive abilities.

5. The benefit of books is that they are an excellent prevention of senile dementia.

The benefits of reading for the brain

Not everyone is well aware of the benefits of reading books for the brain. Recent studies show that while reading, areas of the brain are involved that do not function while watching TV or playing a computer game. When a person reads, there is a kind of immersion in the plot of the book, then the imagination turns on and everything that is stated on the pages of the book comes to life through visual images. This unique effect is possible only when reading, which is why this activity will never lose its usefulness and relevance.

Useful reading for the soul

Modern young people sometimes wonder why reading books and what are the benefits of reading. Reading books, everyone can relax and calm down. Reading really has a relaxing effect on a person. When we read interesting books, we can escape from the daily hustle and bustle and thus remove the stress that negatively affects the body. Reading a book can be compared to a conversation in a psychotherapist's office. The effect is the same soothing and restoring mental strength. By choosing reading books as your hobby, you can become healthier and happier.

The benefits of reading aloud

Often we all read to ourselves. However, studies show that reading aloud is just as beneficial. So what are the benefits of reading aloud? It has a beneficial effect on diction, helps to improve communication skills between children and adults, spouses. It is important that literature is interesting for both. It is better to read slowly, while pronouncing phrases and words well, placing accents and pauses, artistically voicing the characters. The best tone is considered to be the tone of a live story.

Any literature can be used for reading aloud. Children will be interested in fairy tales and children's stories. Adults might enjoy poetry, a novel, or a nonfiction article. First, you can use a voice recorder. So it will be possible to notice all the shortcomings of diction and correct it in a timely manner. Reading aloud can improve memory and speech. As a result, such an activity can become one of the most useful ones that allow you to properly organize your free time and spend it with pleasure.

The benefits of reading tongue twisters

Everyone who dreams of mastering the profession of a TV presenter should read tongue twisters as often as possible. With their help, diction and other vocal skills of public speaking are improved. Reading tongue twisters is useful not only for professional actors and TV presenters. Sometimes even parents use them to teach their child to pronounce the sounds of their native language correctly. Tongue twisters are an effective method of training the articulation of sounds, getting rid of tongue-tied tongue and speech defects . It is recommended that you first read clearly and slowly. Over time, the pace of reading should be increased.