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We get a story of how they conquered the trail - and it’s certainly no misery memoir. I quickly grasped Merv’s limitations and saw how frustrating they must have been for him - this was a highly-intelligent man struggling with cognitive impairment - but we understood his strengths too. He was a communicator and drew the best out of the people he met.
‘’My ''My family is from the West Indies (Jamaica) and I’m sorry but everyone here works too hard. They don’t enjoy life. Don’t get me wrong - I work very hard until med-December (as a plumber), but then I take a couple of months off. No one ever remembers the days in the office, they remember the trips, time with family.’’''
It was these conversations which Kari and Merv had with the people they met which provided a second thread running through the book. We get a picture and a quote, sometimes short and occasionally quite detailed. Somehow you understand the essence of the people you encounter. They’re from all walks of life and all beliefs. You understand more about the states the pair pass through. Kentucky was memorable for dogs - two-thirds of the dogs that chased them were in Kentucky.
‘’Welcome ''Welcome to Wyoming, boys. You know we got two seasons here in Wyoming - winter and construction.’’''
You don’t need to know more than that, do you? Along with superb photography of people and of the landscape, you learn about America itself. The divisions across the country are neatly summed up in one conversation:
‘’The ''The west coast listens to young people; the east coast doesn’t listen to young people; and the middle doesn’t really listen to anyone.’’''
I often judge books by the number of times I feel obliged to read quotes to someone else - and with ‘’Conversations ''Conversations Across America’’America'', I was doing it regularly. Loya has a superb talent for picking that thought-provoking comment which stays in the mind and makes you think:
‘’The ''The national pastime is not basketball, but lawn mowing’’mowing''. They saw 400 lawn lawns being mown but only three being used.
There were only two occasions when the Loyas felt threatened - and then not directly but Kari is under no illusions about the fact that they had it relatively easy from this point of view because they were two white males. He readily accepts that it would be very different for women and/or people of colour. Equality has a long way to go.