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In many ways, the character of Helen is somewhat colourless, a cypher. She has to live her mother's life for her, as Clair is no longer able to leave the house. Interestingly, even Helen's job is passive – she is an artists' model, posing naked for others to stamp their personality on her face and body. It is all these details in the careful characterisations that make this a compelling read. Helen is not a likeable character, but she is very convincingly drawn.
I did find the novel lost its momentum a little in the last few chapters, but the final chapters made sense and the ending offered the reader some much-needed hope. I have since read that the events of this novel are meant to take place over twenty -four hours, but I still can't work that one out…… however I feel this is a novel I could return to, although I would approach it with a degree of dread. If you want a light read about likeable characters, look elsewhere.
Thanks to the publishers, Picador, for supplying The Bookbag with this harrowing but rewarding novel.
If you liked ''The Almost Moon'' you will probably enjoy [[After You'd Gone by Maggie O'Farrell]], which has a similar structure, and shares the theme of painful parting. You might also enjoy [[The Answer to Everything by Luke Kennard]].