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As a plot, I can't pass judgement - we have a prolonged set-up of clichés, and nothing else. So many of the other characteristics are only remarkable for how recognisable they are. I would suggest that if anyone is really interested in near-future, post-holocaust-set sagas of patches of humankind reverting to silly names and struggling with forces of evil might be better off exploring an author trying a lot harder - [[Something of the Night|this]] springs to mind.
We've also reviewed [[Dark Wraith of Shannara by Terry Brooks]].
I don't think I'm alone in having a suspicion about an author who has a new book pencilled in for each of the next five Septembers, spread across different series to justify reprints, back-promotion and so on. This spread of fiction might eventually lead into a worthwhile story, after this first of many "To be continued... "'s, but I for one will not be there. It is not a worthwhile purchase until the whole saga is finished - if at all.