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{{infobox infobox1
|title= Hand of Isis
|author= Jo Graham
|buy= Yes
|borrow= Yes
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Orbit
|date= March 2009
|amazonukcover=<amazonuk>1841497002</amazonuk> |amazonusaznuk=1841497002|aznus=<amazonus>0316068020</amazonus>
Once long ago, three sisters were born in the same year. All were children of the Pharaoh Ptolemy Auletes, the eldest born to a serving woman, the middle to his Queen, the youngest to a slave from Thrace, who died in childbirth. The middle child, of little consequence when born, being the forth fourth legitimate child of the Pharaoh and a girl, would one day become Egypt's most famous Queen. Her name was Cleopatra.
Charmian, the youngest child, was raised with her older sister, Iras, by Iras' mother, until they are given by their father to Cleopatra to be her companions – at first playmates, later handmaidens. When Auletes dies, and succession is left to his bickering children, Charmian and Iras flee with Cleopatra to Bubastis lest she become becomes the target of an assassin's knife.
In Bubastis, the three girls make a pact with Isis, to be Her hands, to restore the Black Land to its former glory, with Cleopatra on the throne. Charmian and Iras pledge their lives to their sister, vowing to serve at her side through all the perils to come. With the kingdom mortgaged to Rome, the vast empire lead by Julius Caesar, and three further heirs of Auletes, born to his second wife, clamouring for their claim to the throne, those perils will not be few and far between.
My thanks to the publishers for sending a copy.
If you like historical fiction, certainly check out Jo Graham's debut novel, [[Black Ships by Jo Graham|Black Ships]]. For another book about a prominent female historical figure, try [[Helen of Troy by Margaret George]]. We also enjoyed [[Cleopatra's Shadows by Emily Holleman]].
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