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''Perfect Chemistry'' is like a modern -day ''Romeo and Juliet''. It explores that timeless story of boy-meets-girl, the impossibility of them belonging together, and their struggle to make it work – just add in some gangs, guns, and cheerleaders for good measure.
On the outside, Brittany is the flawless high-school girl. She has the perfect hair, the perfect outfit, and the perfect boyfriend. Any girl should be jealous of her, right? Wrong. Underneath the immaculately applied mascara lies a multitude of family problems, her despair at the thought of her severely disabled sister being bundled off to a nursing home never leaving her mind. She has to keep her hurt hidden to save her image, but surely sure enough , this mask starts to crack as more and more of her life refuses to live up to the expectations she has forced upon herself.
Alex could not be more different from this seemingly blonde, one-dimensional, rich girl. A member of the Mexican gang, Latino Blood, Alex is more likely to carry a gun than a designer bag; to receive a black eye instead of a college acceptance letter. He knows he's on the wrong side of the tracks, and uses his charm to milk it for all he can! Despite his violent, cocky, and dangerous character, you can't help but warm to him – his intentions behind his actions are always to protect his brothers and those he loves.
Brittany and Alex are immediately set up as complete polar opposites – the ultimate enemies in any kind of school social ranking system. Surely nothing could bring them together? But when they are partnered together for school chemistry lessons the initial friction between them inadvertently morphs into romance. They're both so isolated, both reluctant to fulfil the false lives they have created for themselves, that they find comfort in each other.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag.
 If you liked this, I'd recommend [[Double Cross (Noughts & Crosses) by Malorie Blackman]] – it's equally tense and emotionally complicated, where romance is challenged in a far-from-perfect world. You might also enjoy [[Chain Reaction (Perfect Chemistry) by Simone Elkeles]].