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|author= Carolina de Robertis
|title= Radical Hope
|rating= 4
|genre= Politics and Society
|summary= On 8th November 2016, Donald Trump was elected as the 46th President of the United States. Since then many Americans have been overcome with fear, worrying about what will become of American society during Trump's administration. Carolina de Robertis was no exception to this fear and in response to the newly elected President and his policies she put out a call for action. Radical Hope is the outcome to this call. De Robertis reached out to fellow writers and activists asking for letters, predominantly letters of love, addressed to the citizens of today and those of past and future generations in order to help spread hope during times of uncertainty.
|author=Matthew d'Ancona
|title=Post-Truth: The New War on Truth and How to Fight Back
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=''Our own post-truth era is what happens when society relaxes its defence of values that underpin cohesion, namely veracity, honesty and accountability.''
I'm old enough or perhaps naive enough to believe that when making a decision about political voting, you should be able to rely absolutely on what the candidate tells you. I've been suspicious for a decade or more, but it's become difficult to ignore the change in political attitudes since Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. With regard to the latter, when Trump was challenged on a statement he'd made which was subsequently found to be incorrect, his response was ''Who cares if I got it wrong?'' He was able to tap to the fading concept of 'the American Dream' - those Americans who were used to waiting patiently in line and who had found themselves overtaken by ''women, immigrants and public sector workers''.
|author= Stephen Moss
|title= Wild Kingdom: Bringing Back Britain's Wildlife
|rating= 4
|genre= Animals and Wildlife
|summary= Wildlife has been declining in Britain over the last few decades; it is an unfortunate by-product of human population growth, which in the modern world has increased significantly. Through this book Moss suggests a few ways in which we can start to bring back some of Britain's wildlife without compromising the human way of life: we can co-exist with nature.