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|title=The Remaining
|sort=Remaining, The
|date=May 2014
|summary=Captain Lee Harden is regularly ordered down into a bunker by the US Government whenever a potential disaster is coming. Every time he has been recalled a few days later, but it only takes one disaster to end it all. Can Captain Harden help rebuild an America devastated by a disease that turns its own citizens mad? 'The Remaining' is a fast paced and thrilling slice of apocalyptic horror.
When reading ‘The Remaining’ by I had a warm feeling inside, not due to the psychological terror in the book, but because it seems that I am not the only person who is prepared for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. No more an illustrious group than the US Army itself is prepared. In each of the mainland States of America a trained soldier is moved underground whenever a potential disaster is on the horizon. Captain Lee Harden has found himself in his bunker several times, but has always climbed out again a few days later, until now.