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|title=When a Crocodile Eats the Sun
|author=Peter Godwin
|date=March 2007
''When A Crocodile Eats The Sun'' is the name given to a solar eclipse by Zimbabwean tribespeople. It is a terrible omen, demonstrating great celestial displeasure at man's behaviour. This second volume of memoirs from Peter Godwin covers the years from 1996 to 2004, when there were two such portentous occurrences. Still worse, the crocodile is the sign of Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's dictator.
'''Reviews of other books by Peter Godwin'''
[[Mukiwa: A White Boy in Africa]]
|name=Jennifer Harmer
|comment= I have literally just completed reading " When A Crocodile Eats The Sun ". Peter has captured every emotion that Zimbabweans of all races feel - all the sadness, anger and frustration, bitterness, and the sense of waste and sheer stupidity. Our beautiful country had so much going for it at Independence, and we all had such high hopes for it. Three generations of my family were born there and considered themselves African. Almost all of its members have had to leave. The sense of bereavement at the loss of one's home, family and friends, is shocking and sometimes almost unbearable.
The book reminded me vividly of the events that we have lived through during the past quarter century, and have made me realise how grateful I am that my father, and father-in law were both English born, giving our family the right to live in the UK. My heart aches though, for all those people, particularly the elderly, who have nowhere to go and are, more and more, resorting to suicide, to escape the ordeal. It is a shocking indictment of the western world.
Jennifer Harmer Until April 2006, of Crazy Nut Farm, Umgusa Rural District Council, Matebeleland North