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If your book is self-published you'll find all that you need to know by clicking [[Promotion Packages for Self-Publishing Authors|here]].
Here at Bookbag Towers we love to receive books from you. We don't guarantee to review them but we do cover an excellent proportion of what we are sent. The trick is to send books that will appeal to at least one of our panel of fifty reviewers! Our reviewers are able to make their own choices from our "virtual shelves". We've found that better - and usually more positive - reviews are forthcoming this way. If nobody from our panel has asked to review your book after a month, we withdraw it from the shelves and it won't be covered. If we do cover your book please remember that if we don't like it, we'll say so.
If the authors are available for [[:Category:Interviews|interview]] or to write a [[:Category:Comments|feature]], do please consider including this on the press sheet.
If you are self-publishing (this includes any situation where an author has made any contribution towards the costs of publication), we will cover your book with a full and honest review in the same way as any other book. However, we are a small outfit and we select books very carefully; reviewer time is precious and postage costs are high. For this reason, we make a small charge to cover time and costs when we take on a self-published book for review. We know that publishing a book is special and we'd like to help you to enjoy it as much as possible. You'll find all the details [[[[Promotion Packages for Self-Publishing Authors|here]]]].
If you’re happy to take your chances on the shelves please [ drop us a line] and tell us that you've read and understood the basis on which we accept books. We'll then give you details of how the book should be sent. Please don't send unsolicited digital copies.